Vitamin C and the Big C

Vitamin C

                        is a potent antioxidant that has the power to boost immune function, increase resistance to infection, protect against a wide range of diseases, and regenerate antioxidants, particularly the so-called master antioxidant: Glutathione. A largely unknown role of Vitamin C is its ability to kill cancer cells, when administered in high doses intravenously. Unlike conventional chemotherapy drugs that destroy both the cancer cells and healthy cells, Vitamin C is selectively toxic. It does not harm the “good” cells. When the body is challenged by pathogens or needs to heal from injuries or surgery, its requirement for vitamin c increases considerably. Some physicians, hospital administrators, and health officials may object this alternative- health remedy. If you believe in such powers of Vitamin C, don’t let yourself be denied of it. For when you choose health, it means you choose life.